Story Prep – Event

MankatoLIFE - Story Prep Page

Thanks for telling us about your event in preparation for our story!

The more info you provide, the better we can represent you. We will use the information you offer only to write your story. It will not be used for any other purpose.

We love quotes! They make all stories better. We’ll assume we can quote the responses of the person who submits this form unless you tell us otherwise. Let us know in the responses if we should credit someone else for a quote.

    *Indicates a required field

    The Basics

    Contact Info

    The Questions


    We love pictures and so do our readers! To make your story great we'd love to have at least one high res (minimum 3000 pixels wide) horizontal photo to use as a featured image. Pictures with a lot going on and not primarily focused on individual people work best for featured images because our site resizes photos on different devices in unpredictable ways.

    The more pictures, the better! Non-featured images don't need to be horizontal and can certainly focus on people! If you have more than three pictures, you can email them to

    Please include the photographer's name and a sentence or two as a caption.