Evergreen - Mankato, MN
Evergreen - Mankato, MN

One of my all time favorite Holiday movies is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation!

I really get a kick out of the scene where they go Christmas tree hunting. The parents are singing cheesy songs on the drive. The station wagon ends up under a semi. The daughter isn’t dressed for the occasion so she literally becomes frozen when they’re hunting for the perfect tree. They forget the saw. Of course, the tree they pick is actually way to big for their house.

I think I may try to recreate a little bit of this movie in my own family by traveling to New Ulm’s Guggisberg Tree Farm!

When all is said and done, they provide hot cider and cookies! Nice!

Hunting The Elusive Perfect Tree

At Guggisberg Tree Farm, you can literally trudge out in the snow with your family and friends to find that “perfect” tree for your Holiday.

You can bring your own saw or they can provide you with one! If you’d rather not cut down your own tree, they can do that for you too. No chainsaws are allowed, so you gotta put some extra muscle into it. Bring some cash because they don’t accept credit cards.

When all is said and done, they provide hot cider and cookies! Nice!

Their website suggests you call before you travel to their farm to ensure there are enough trees left and that they are open.

Baby Sitter Time!

After all the family fun, maybe leave the kids at home with a babysitter to catch an evening with Good Night Gold Dust hosted by Oh My Love.

This will be the last show of the year for Mankato’s own original band, Good Night Gold Dust, and I just read the last show ever for bandmate, Zach.

The event starts at 7:30, Saturday, December 8th and is held at True Facade (509 S Front Street), which is an excellent venue for intimate live music. Also be sure to check out the new music GNGD recently released and tune into their Sad Song Sundays episodes on their Facebook page!

And finally, a little quote from Christmas Vacation:

Rusty: “Dad, this tree won’t fit in our back yard.”
Clark: “It’s not going in the yard, Russ. It’s going in the living room!”

Have a great weekend everybody!