June 3rd, 2020
MANKATO – The Mankato Family YMCA will be collecting items to be donated and delivered to the Midway (University Avenue in St. Paul) and Blaisdell (South Minneapolis) YMCAs in the Twin Cities. These two YMCAs are in neighborhoods who are in dire need of daily living necessities due to the arson and looting occurring in their area. Local Twin Cities businesses that supply these needs were looted or destroyed, making daily living for those without access to reliable transportation difficult.
The Mankato Family YMCA will be taking donations on Thursday June 4th, Friday June 5th and Monday June 8th in their lobby. Item can be dropped off between 8AM and 5 PM. Social distancing and sanitizing procedures have been put in place in the YMCA lobby. Items will be transported on Tuesday June 9th to the Twin Cities.
Questions can be directed to John Kind, the Mankato Family YMCA Executive Director at jkind@mankatoymca.org or 507-345-9801.
Following is a list of needed items compiled by those Twin Cities YMCAs. Cash donations will also be accepted. Checks can be made out to the Mankato Family YMCA with a designation to Twin Cities relief.
- Diapers of all sizes
- Wipes
- Baby formula and baby food
- First aid supplies
- Feminine hygiene supplies
- Everyday necessities – toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant, lotion, floss, combs, brushes, Rolaids/Tums, etc.
- Items that you use/need every day
- Laundry detergent – pods are great
- Food: shelf stable/no refrigerator needed
- Consider putting together a bag of items that would make a meal or two
- 2 bags of Rice, 2 cans of Beans, fruit, vegetables, tortillas
- Pasta, pasta sauce, fruit, vegetables, bread
- Other suggestions include: Peanut Butter, boxed noodle meals, canned meat, cereal, high protein snacks or packaged food
- Consider putting together a bag of items that would make a meal or two
- Snacks for families and kids
- Paper towels
- Toilet Paper
- Face masks
- Dish Soap
- Zip lock bags of all sizes
- Tissue – boxes and travel size
About The Mankato Family YMCA
The Mankato YMCA puts Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind, body and social well-being for all. We work to gather communities, making accessible to all high-quality programs and services that promote and develop health, spirit, mind, body and social well-being throughout South Central Minnesota by focusing on Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility.