March 27th, 2020
MANKATO, MN – The Mankato Area Community Response Fund (CRF) announces its initial round of grants totaling $27,250 to 6 different community organizations. These grants were rewarded in response to the short-term emergency needs of nonprofits throughout our region due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The CRF will continue to grant funds on a rolling basis. If you are a nonprofit organization and have questions about how to apply, please contact Sarah Beiswanger at
The initial round of CRF grants supported the following community organizations:
- Beyond Brink for emergency temporary housing with supportive services.
- Connections Ministry for the Connections Shelter – COVID plan.
- Feeding Our Communities Partners for hunger relief for food-insecure youth during COVID-19.
- Lutheran Social Services for LSS Meals COVID-19 crisis response project for Mankato’s high-elderly.
- Maple River Loaves & Fishes Food Shelf for help with supplies to provide clients with food.
- Waseca Area Neighborhood Service Center for food shelf funds.
About the Community Response Fund
Established through the Greater Mankato Area United Way and Mankato Area Foundation, this fund is designed to respond swiftly in support of nonprofit organizations that are serving the escalating needs of our communities affected by the novel coronavirus. Our joint expertise in community partnerships, resources, and connections ensures we are addressing the most pressing needs to keep our region strong and balanced.
As we work in collaboration with other philanthropic partners such as regional foundations, family foundations, and individual donors, our goal is to shape philanthropy’s response as quickly and as effectively as possible during this unprecedented time.
To learn more about the Community Response Fund, please visit or