The 46th Annual Traditional Mahkato Wacipi, otherwise known as the Mankato Wacipi Pow Wow, will be held from September 21st through the 23rd in Land of Memories Park in Mankato. The event honors the 38 Dakota hanged in Mankato in 1862.
In 1972 Bud Lawrence, Amos Owen and Jim Buckley created this event to bring a new hope and a chance at reconciliation between two groups of people that had become separated by a dark chain of events that culminated in the hanging of the Dakota 38 + 2 and the exile of most of the Dakota people from the land of Minnesota.
“Come be a part of the hope, come be a part of the legacy, and come be a part of this amazing story of reconciliation and renewal.”

Now 46 years later, not only has the healing been going on, but it has taken hold. It has helped foster a word that we Dakota people don’t have a word for, but have adopted from the English language because of its power, that word is “hope.”
Since the beginning of this we have seen many changes and reconciliations take place. Including the Governor of Minnesota and the Mayors of both Mankato and North Mankato join in not only honoring the Dakota nations, but proclaim a day in honor of the Dakota Nation during the “Dakota Honoring” that took place in May of 2017.

We’ve seen the descendants of those who were hanged on that cold day in 1862 return to Mankato every year for the past 13 years on horseback to welcome and fanfare in what is called the Dakota 38+2 Wokiksuye Ride “The Ride to Forgive Everyone Everything,” and we have seen the continuing legacy that this all brings.
This Wacipi is an event that continues to bring healing to all who come and to the land that we have all come from. Come be a part of the hope, come be a part of the legacy, and come be a part of this amazing story of reconciliation and renewal. Hope to see you there!
Mitaukye Oasin (We’re all related)
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2018 Mankato Wacipi Pow Wow Details